UPDATE: Original "World Refrigerator Headquarters" headline changed, because GE is selling off its consumer-appliances division.
GE announced today it's buying a couple of buildings and land on Necco Street from Proctor and Gamble for its new world headquarters.
The new headquarters will include a combination of existing buildings and new construction. The purchase includes two historic buildings, which will be renovated, and an adjoining parking lot, on which GE will construct a new building. Employees will move to a temporary location in Boston on Farnsworth Street starting in the summer of 2016, with a full move completed in several steps by 2018.
Roughly 800 white-collar GE employees will ultimately work at the 2 1/2-acre site: 200 corporate types and "600 digital industrial product managers, designers and developers split between GE Digital, Current, robotics and Life Sciences."